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First Grade

The primary goal of first grade is to develop strong readers and a life-long love of reading. First graders learn responsibility and organizational skills as part of their first grade experience.   Communication to parents is kept open through daily folders, email, and a weekly newsletter. Student progress reports are send home in the middle of each grading period. Report cards are sent out every nine weeks. Parent/teacher/student conferences are twice and year.

Second Grade

Second grade builds on the foundation started in Kindergarten and first grade continuing the faith formation with a strong Christ like treatment of each other. Student progress is reported each nine weeks and the Parent Teacher Conferences are held twice a year.

Third Grade

Students continue to grow and learn in third grade at St. Mary both academically and socially. This year we introduce students to more textbooks and focus on becoming more independent thinkers, readers, and writers. Each week the student’s will receive up-to-date grades and behavior sheets to monitor progress. Two mandatory conferences occur the first two nine weeks to have an overall evaluation with the parent, student, and teacher.

Fourth Grade

Fourth graders transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.” Students are expected to be more independent and responsible learners who explain their thinking.

Fifth Grade

Fifth graders are expected to be more independent and responsible learners who explain their thinking and are problem solvers.

Elementary Assessment

All Elementary students will be assessed in reading comprehension and math skills three times per year using the Renaissance Benchmarking Tools. Data from benchmarking will be used to challenge and support continued growth across all subject areas.


Tutoring is offered by teacher invitation on Tuesdays.  Students that need help in more than one area will alternate teachers for tutoring.
Open House