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Teacher: 7th - Mrs. Pate / 6th & 8th - Mrs. Little

The Religion program here at St. Mary School focuses on developing students’ knowledge of our Catholic faith while supporting spiritual growth with a strong emphasis on service to others. The program is built upon the Curriculum Guide provided by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, using RCL Benziger’s Blest Are We Legacy Edition. Spiritual growth is nurtured through weekly Mass attendance, as well as traditional prayers and devotions. Students learn to follow Jesus’ example of service to others through individual service projects and school wide programs.
PreK – God loves all people and wants us to share love.
Kinder – God loves me.
1st Grade – God is Our Father who loves us. Jesus is the Son of God who tells us about Our Father. The Holy Spirit Helps us to be holy.
2nd Grade – Jesus comes to nourish and strengthen God’s life and grace within.
3rd Grade – Jesus’ life and work continue through His Church.
4th Grade – Jesus calls us to follow the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments.
5th Grade – Through the Seven Sacraments, the Church celebrates the life-giving Signs of Christ’s saving action in our lives.
6th Grade – Introduction to the Bible.
7th Grade – Jesus Christ, the Lord; Social Justice and service; Liturgy and Worship.
8th Grade – The people of God; Worship and Liturgy; Social Justice.


Upcoming Events

February 28 - Friday
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
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